Here you can find the list of my songs and works
Available on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music and iTunes
I'd like to share with you that all of my songs were composed, produced, and mastered by myself. Many composers and musicians today use AI to publish their works. I must say that's not my case, and I don't use AI to achieve this.
In Monasteries, you breathe a spiritual atmosphere of peace, harmony, and contemplation.
Close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, let the air out of your lungs slowly, repeat this process calmly, relax, and journey into the contemplative life of a Monastery.
This sea has been the meeting point of different civilizations and historical episodes that have made us what we are today.
New Age • InstrumentalA long-playing song, which is part of a new composition project that I am starting, and which will be combined with the other musical styles that I usually do as well.
Instrumental • Ambient • Atmospheric • Cinematic • SCI-FI This is the second part of my work, named Cosmos.
An infinite walkthrough the Cosmos.
The light help us see reality in dark spaces, and give us confidence and energy, pushing us to fight and continue.
Instrumental • New Age Cosmos is the created heavenly bodies (sun, moon, wandering stars, and fixed stars), and all that is contained on it.
We are all part of it, we are all Cosmos.
When things go wrong, we sometimes feel alone and empty.
We believe that nothing stops us below, and we only see an endless precipice, but if we raise our heads and look up, we will see everything differently.
In honour of Saturio Gonzalez Salas, a Benedictine monk from the Abbey of Santo Domingo de Silos (Burgos - Spain).
Instrumental • New AgeRise up with energy and take the world around you with both hands.
Instrumental • New Age After the pandemic, many people have a second chance to improve the world.
Take a deep breath, go outside and seize the opportunity.
Like a hatching, this is my first song with which I fulfill a dream come true.
Instrumental • New AgeSource Spotify